Help Proposals

Here's 2 proposal I made to help Save the rain forest and Reduce DEFORESTATION! 

Proposal 1:

Main Focus
To guide kids into recycling, and the importance of tropical rain forests. (Learning should start from a young age! )
To help save tropical rain forests and stop/ reduce deforestation to the minimum.
To start a campaign, a recycling camp for kids of all ages to join. (Parents/ Adults welcome too) This campaign/ camp, they will learn to do all sorts of different activities relevant to recycling. They will also learn to know the importance of the tropical rain forests. Making the camp fun, could help them not only learn, but to remember more, and also include a bit of fun in. Most of all the camp could be free!
Mainly directed to kids (Ages 4 & up)
Kids not only learn so much, they’ll make the most fun out of it. The camp is free, so parents can willingly let their kids learn and have some fun. It could be a wonderful camp, for the kids to remember J

Proposal 2:

Main Focus
To guide people with different interests, from different places to start recycling.
To help tropical rainforests and stop/ reduce deforestation to the minimum.
To create a machine, making it suitable for all different places to start recycling.
But of course, with
·         Beach- You put a piece in, you get a free drink at the counter.
·         City- You put a piece in, you get a discount on supplier shops.
·         Airport- You put a piece in, you get a free coffee from the café.
·         Petrol Station- You put a piece in, you get a discount on fuel.
·         Dog Park- You put a piece in, you get a free toy, food, water, treats, for your dog.
And so on… (Getting the idea)

People everywhere , starting from Australia
People could start recycling more and more. People these days, LOVE having benefits,so it could be a good idea, and I’m sure they’ll LOVE it! J

Personally, I think Proposal 2 would be awesome and get more attention than proposal 1 but both will work and reach the intention! :)

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