
The Impacts On Tropical Rain forests

Just like any other landscapes, there are impacts on tropical rain forests too. Some of the uses including; climate and oxygen gives good impact on the natural environment. As for producing medicines and food, giving the least impact on the environment. The food and medicine could regrow and reproduce more and more. But, the biggest impact would have to be logging, deforestation. To provide wood for logging companies and cut down more and more of the same rare rain forest trees.


Deforestation has been a major issue for tropical rain forests around the world. Over half the world's plants and animal species are home to the tropical rain forest. Even a slight but of change could effect them, But, cutting down trees, would take away the oxygen they provide, which gives a massive impact on the wild life. Not only that, it could cause climate change, and cause soil erosion. Soil erosions can sweep lands into rivers, plants such as coffee, palm oil, soybean, wheat etc. , can be swept away. Rain forest provide people a lot of stuff. They rely on food, fresh water, clothing and traditional medicines of the rain forest. Deforestation can sweep away all these, and everything could be gone. A tropical rain forest wouldn't be a tropical rain forest anymore.

Ways that could help stop deforestation

  • Recycling
  • Reducing the use of paper
  • Buying wood products with recycled wood certification
  • Trying to plant a tree and save the rain forest
  • Reduce using wood to cook

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